Thursday 16 January 2014

Biology 11- Final Post.

    Biology 11 was nonetheless a very interesting class. Throughout the course, I noticed a couple of trends. A very noticeable trend was that evolution, and how certain animal and plant species is more advanced than another, for example algae vs ferns. Throughout Biology 11, the main concepts I learned were that evolution plays a big role on on all the kingdoms, and that most of the species in the phylums we learned about have made adaptations to stay alive, such as an animal's fur changing colour to camouflage in its environment. Another main concept is Taxonomy. It taught me that certain species of plants and animals are put into certain groups based on common characteristics, such as body plan, body symmetry, body cavity, etc. Overall, in Biology 11, I think I did generally well. This course gave me a bit of a wake up call that studying will benefit you, and to take the time you get in class for assignments, it benefits you in the long run. This course also taught me how to manage my time. If I could do anything different in this class, I would probably put more of an effort to come in during lunch and get help if I did not understand a certain concept. The most interesting part of Biology 11 was when we learned about all the different types of animals, and going on the field trip to the aquarium was the icing on the cake! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you did find aspects of the course interesting and realized the importance of spending time on reviewing and studying since there is a lot of information in the course. Keep this in mind as you review for the final exam. Don't study specific details but general trends.
